I hereby give notice that a Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting will be held on:



Thursday, 15 August 2019


at the conclusion of the Community Development meeting


Council Chamber

28-32 Ruataniwha Street






Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting

15 August 2019


Our vision for Central Hawke’s Bay is a proud and prosperous district made up of strong communities and connected people who respect and protect our environment and celebrate our beautiful part of New Zealand.

Monique Davidson

Chief Executive


Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda                                          15 August 2019

Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 3

2          Declarations of Conflicts of Interest 3

3          Standing Orders. 3

4          Confirmation of Minutes. 3

5          Report Section. 9

5.1            Environment and Regulatory Committee Update. 9

6          Date of Next Meeting. 16

7          Time of Closure. 16



1            Apologies

2            Declarations of Conflicts of Interest

3            Standing Orders


THAT the following standing orders are suspended for the duration of the meeting:

·      20.2 Time limits on speakers

·      20.5 Members may speak only once

·      20.6 Limits on number of speakers

And that Option C under section 21 General procedures for speaking and moving motions be used for the meeting.

Standing orders are recommended to be suspended to enable members to engage in discussion in a free and frank manner.


4            Confirmation of Minutes

Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting - 28 March 2019

Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda                                          15 August 2019

   MINUTES OF Central HAwkes Bay District Council
Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting
HELD AT THE Council Chamber, 28-32 Ruataniwha Street, Waipawa
ON Thursday, 28 March 2019 AT at the conclusion of the Risk and Audit meeting


PRESENT:              Cr David Tennent

                                 Mayor Alex Walker

Cr Ian Sharp (Deputy Mayor)

Cr Tim Chote

Cr Brent Muggeridge

Cr Roger Maaka


IN ATTENDANCE: Joshua Lloyd (Group Manager, Community Infrastructure and Development)

Monique Davidson (CEO)

Bronda Smith (Group Manager, Corporate Support and Services)

Doug Tate (Group Manager, Customer and Community Partnerships)

Nicola Bousfield (People and Capability Manager)

Lisa Harrison (Organisation Transformation Lead)

Leigh Collecutt (Governance and Support Officer)


1            Apologies


2            Declarations of Conflicts of Interest


3            Standing Orders

Committee Resolution  

Moved:       Cr Ian Sharp

Seconded:  Mayor Alex Walker

THAT the following standing orders are suspended for the duration of the meeting:

·   20.2 Time limits on speakers

·   20.5 Members may speak only once

·   20.6 Limits on number of speakers

And that Option C under section 21 General procedures for speaking and moving motions be used for the meeting.

Standing orders are recommended to be suspended to enable members to engage in discussion in a free and frank manner.




4            Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution  

Moved:       Cr Ian Sharp

Seconded:  Mayor Alex Walker

That the minutes of the Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 14 February 2019 as circulated, be confirmed as true and correct.




5            Report Section

5.1         Environment and Regulatory Committee Update


The purpose of this report is to provide the Environment and Regulatory Committee with information on key activities that fit within the Committee’s terms of reference.


Committee Resolution  

Moved:       Cr Brent Muggeridge

Seconded:  Cr Ian Sharp

That, having considered all matters raised in the report, the report be noted.



 The following items were discussed as part of the Environment and Regulatory Committee update:

·    3 Waters Review

·    Waste Water

·    Drinking Water

·    Storm Water

·    Environmental Strategy

·    Leachate to Land

·    Buildings and Consents

·    Big Water Story Programme Update


·    Mayor Walker asked for consideration around the risk assessment for water safety. Officers determined that the current assessment was reasonable on the basis of current work being undertaken as well as current regulations, however noted that this would be monitored.


·    Cr Sharp asked about timing to cap the closed cell at the landfill with the intention to seek Regional Council consent to put leachate to land. It was confirmed that consent process has started and that the Regional Council would be undertaking a site visit on 9th April.


·    Cr Muggeridge how a regional approach to managing water might affect the Big Water Story and potential contracts.  Given the current procurement processes in place, it was identified that this would be discussed in a Council workshop later in the day.


·    Mayor Walker requested that the Big Water Story update report is uploaded to the website for public to be able to access.


6            Date of Next Meeting

Committee Resolution  

Moved:       Cr Ian Sharp

Seconded:  Mayor Alex Walker

THAT the next meeting of the Central Hawke's Bay District Council be held on 15 August 2019.



7            Time of Closure


The Meeting closed at 11.32am.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 15 August 2019.





Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda                                          15 August 2019




Environment and Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda                                          15 August 2019

5            Report Section

5.1         Environment and Regulatory Committee Update

File Number:           COU1-1412

Author:                    Josh Lloyd, Group Manager - Community Infrastructure and Development

Authoriser:             Monique Davidson, Chief Executive

Attachments:          Nil



The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the Environment and Regulatory committee on key activities.



That, having considered all matters raised in the report, the report be noted.


significance and engagement

This report is provided for information purposes only and has been assessed as being of some importance.


The role of the Environment and Regulatory Committee is to assist Council to discharge its responsibilities for:

·    Preparation and promotion of strategies and policies relating to environmental impact and regulatory requirements

·    Policy review and development relevant to regulatory activities and environmental impact of council and community assets and infrastructure


Specific Responsibilities include:

·    Discussion and preparation of Environmental strategies, plans and policies

·    Discussion and preparation of Regulatory strategies, plans and policies

·    Recommend appropriate draft strategies, plans and policies to council for movement to public consultation

·    Recommend appropriate strategies plans and policies to council for approval

·    Review of all council projects and activities as they relate to Environmental and Regulatory strategies, policies and plans


This specific report contains the usual updates on key activities under the ambit of the Environment and Regulatory Committee but also acts as a special report providing a review and acknowledgement of work completed by and for the Committee over the previous 12 months.


Completed Work:

Environmental and Sustainability Strategy

In June, Council adopted the Environmental and Sustainability Strategy that was consulted on with the Annual Plan. The Strategy was identified through Project THRIVE and set as a priority for Council through the 2018-21 Long Term Plan. The Strategy was developed in partnership with the community through an established reference group and outlined 4 key themes or focus areas:

·    Managing our impact on waterways

·    Increasing recycling and reducing waste to landfill

·    Conserving water

·    Managing for climate change

The Strategy also contained a set of actions for Council and the community and will form the basis of Councils environmental responsibility management approach going forward.

An update on actions listed in the Strategy is provided below.




Leading the way in environmental sustainability

Obtain membership on a Sustainable Business Network, complete an audit and plan to reduce Council’s emissions and build sustainability into purchasing decisions

This work programmed for early 2020.

Formally establish the Community Environmental and Sustainability Reference Group

Through the WMMP process the group has again been engaged with Terms of Reference being created now for the longer term direction of the group.

Establish a publicly accessible fund to support community-led initiatives to deliver on the Strategy and Councils SWMMP.

This fund was created and adopted by Council in February 2019 and Officers are working now through the first formal application towards the fund.

Ensuring environmental vitality through our way of working

Complete Review of District Plan

This project is underway.

Investigate long term water supply storage solution

This work to be completed through the Tuki Taskforce.

Implement the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

The WMMP was redrafted in 2019 and consulted on in July. The revised WMMP is aligned with the outcomes of the Environmental and Sustainability Strategy and will be adopted by Council in August.

Continue investment in infrastructure to meet resource consent conditions, specifically those related to discharges to waterways

Councils Big Water Story Programme continues to deliver on major infrastructure projects. A focus of the programme are WWTP upgrades that will improve or remove discharges to freshwater.

Council where possible will continue to seek external funding to support various environmental and sustainability initiatives

The Waste Levy is being utilised to support various initiatives. The TIF is providing funding for tourism infrastructure in Te Paerahi that will improve environmental outcomes.

Council and the Tuki Tuki Water Task Force will continue to work together with Regional and Central Government on a sustainable water retention solution for the community. 

The Tuki Taskforce is on hiatus while the scope and model of the group are reviewed. Council remains committed to the intent of the group and is working with HBRC to revitalise the initiative.

Continue to improve water supply infrastructure to reduce leakage and waste

Significant leak repairs have been completed in 2019 with over 300 sites attended to. Big Water Story capital projects are further seeking to reduce water wastage.

Proactively work towards meeting resource consent conditions by monitoring and addressing issues as they arise.

Council has increased monitoring of Stormwater outflows to meet new consent conditions and continues to meet all other consent conditions for monitoring and reporting.

Our People and Place

Provide readily accessible information about environmental sustainability. 

Upgrades of Councils public information systems are planned for upon adoption of the WMMP with waste, recycling and environmental sustainability being one of four identified priority communications campaigns for the organisation.

Complete Village Planning to identify projects of interest and plan to complete

Community planning events are underway in various communities.

Committing to work with HBRC to continue to monitor and understand the impacts of climate change including coastal inundation and the impact this will have on public and private infrastructure.

No update to provide on this initiative at this time.

Building a sustainable economy

Complete Economic Development Assessment to determine opportunities sustained by our natural environment

An Economic Assessment Report and Action Plan are being presented to Council in August for adoption.

Develop an Economic Development Strategy incorporating sustainable development

Provide and facilitate access to information about sustainable business practices

These actions to be progressed as part of the planned communication and awareness campaign to occur post WMMP later in 2019.

Encourage businesses to practice end of life product stewardship



Environmental Fund

The Strategy (above) was intended to bring to life objectives of the community raised through Project THRIVE about nurturing and protecting Central Hawke’s Bays natural environment.

The Strategy would be a guiding document that set principles and actions for how Council would manage its own impact on the environment and support the community to improve environmental and sustainability outcomes. A publicly accessible fund was suggested and approved to use money available from Council National Waste Levy to support community-led initiatives.

To manage this in line with the ambitions of the Strategy and the aspirations of the community and to ensure financial prudence, an Environmental Funding Policy was drafted by Officers and adopted by Council in February 2019. The Fund makes up to $20,000 available to community individuals, groups or non-profit organisations for environmental and sustainability-related initiatives with a focus on waste minimisation, education and awareness. Officers are currently working through the first formal application to the Fund.


Storm Water Resource Consent

In October 2017 Council received a comprehensive discharge consent for existing and proposed residential and industrial sites of Waipawa and Waipukurau. With the new consent came a new regime of compliance against consent conditions. Recognising the ‘newness’ of the work, in 2018 Council partnered with Stantec in developing a comprehensive programme of work to meet the new consent conditions. The work programme includes the development of new internal processes and procedures as well as the implementation of a new monitoring regime for Stormwater discharges. An important piece of work in identifying and ranking all high risk sites was completed late in 2018 and received commendation by the HBRC.


BCA Review and Progress

Following the Morrison Lowe review of the BCA in 2017, the department has transformed itself through a variety of self-driven initiatives. Despite increased demand on the activity through record consent volumes, the department has rid itself of its prior reputation.

The department has actively and intentionally engaged with its customers through targeted trades networking evenings, information sharing and an improved responsiveness to feedback and enquiries. Strong leadership in the team and an increase in ‘on-the-ground’ resources have meant that the team has been able to keep up with the increase in demand and is now no longer utilising external processing firms to complete consents.

The team have received exemplary feedback from the industry and customers and also received commendation during its very rigorous IANZ accreditation audit process in 2018. Capping off a fantastic and transformative year for the team was the awarding of New Zealand’s Young Building Professional of the Year to Mr Ben Swinburne.

A final acknowledgement to the transformation of the team came in Junes Annual Resident Opinion Survey results which showed marked increases in satisfaction of residents for building control activities.


Swimming Pool Regulation

To ensure Council meets the new pool safety legislation which came into effect on 1 January 2017, we have been working hard to identify, register and visit all the pools in our District. We have approximately 600 pools and all of these pools need an initial site visit by the end of 2019. In March we hired Paul Simmonds to join our Consents team to undertake our swimming pool inspections. Paul, with the assistance of Bridget, John and Tim has done a great job pulling together our list of pools, undertaking inspections, educating our residents and setting up our schedule of pool visits for the coming years. As of 6 August we have undertaken 350 inspections and Paul is currently managing about 30 inspections a week, so we are on track to have achieved our goal of all pools visited by the end of the year.

Once we have been to every pool, and followed up on the pools that have failed and need remedial work, pools will then need visiting every three years to ensure ongoing compliance.


Key Contract Procurements

In 2018 Council took to market several key contracts for works related to activities governed by this Committee. Through these procurements Council sought to attract strategic partners that would provide excellence in delivery as well as demonstrated commitment and alignment to Councils vision and values. Through the process Council signed new agreements with:

·    Recreational Services and Veolia – Community Facilities and Infrastructure Contract

·    Higgins – Landfill Operations Contract

·    Stantec – Land Transport Professional Services Contract

·    Smart Environmental – Refuse and Recycling Contracts


Work in Progress:

Waste Management and Minimisation Plan/s

In 2018 Council reviewed, improved and adopted a new WMMP to meet its legislative requirements. Acknowledging at the time that this review was not comprehensive, council committed to second review in 2019.

The 2019 review is nearing its end with community consultation on the plan now complete, feedback being processed and a final plan set to be adopted. The 2019 review was comprehensive and engaged external support as well as the views of the community through the establishment of a community reference group. The plan has identified key priorities for the district that both Council and the community can contribute to.


National and Regional 3 Waters Review

Throughout 2018/19 Officers have played a leading role Regionally and Nationally in the Government-led three waters review. The review split into two distinct workstreams; regulation and delivery.

Officers, particularly the Chief Executive, provided input and influence to the regulation arm of the review that saw an announcement made in August of a new drinking water regulator to be established. Officers are confident that the new regulator will provide benefit to our Council in terms of consistency and clarity but are also aware that standards will likely increase and additional costs of compliance will need to be met.

The delivery arm of the review has been more fragmented nationally with various regions taking their own approaches. Hawke’s Bay has been recognised as a leader nationally with a strong working collaboration formed between the five Hawke’s Bay Council’s supported by independent consultants. The result of the Hawke’s Bay review to date has been early findings and agreement that changes to the current delivery model hold potential for significant benefit to the Region and that further work is required to fully understand the potential of this benefit and the costs and practicalities of giving effect to it. Officers were pleased with a Government announcement in August that set aside available funding to support Hawke’s Bays continued work to review and improve the delivery model in the region.


Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project

The project to upgrade Councils 3 largest and highest risk waste water treatment plants progressed significantly in 2018/19. The project has been run absolutely appropriately given its magnitude with new levels of project management formality and rigor brought to Council.

In July, Council took another step forward by confirming a land purchase in the lower reaches of the Waipawa River. The site was identified as having potential uses for land discharge, treatment and storage. Through a due diligence process, Council and independent experts confirmed the land to be useful for discharge and storage purposes.  

Further detail is provided in the Big Water Story Key Project Status Report which is within the Finance and Planning agenda.


Big Water Story Progress

Key projects under the umbrella of the Big Water Story progressed well through 2018/19 with several large projects moving from investigation and design phases into physical construction. Numerous procurements have occurred and Council are developing and maintaining a reputation as a preferred principle in the hot Hawke’s Bay contracting market.


Drinking Water Compliance

Council continues to direct a lot of resource towards maintaining and managing drinking water compliance activities. Central Hawke’s Bay, due purely to timing/scheduling, is leading the rest of Hawke’s Bay in terms of Water Safety Plan audits. Through 2018 and 2019 Council have been audited several times with each audit commenting on the positive actions Council are taking to ensure the safety and reliability of our drinking water supplies. Each audit has also however made further recommendations which is increasing workload on Officers and ultimately costs to ratepayers.


Leachate to Land Project

Work to discharge landfill leachate back onto land progressed rapidly in 2018/19 and continues to do so. The project was formalised late in 2018 with a detailed project plan, procurement plan for consulting support and budget associated. A detailed final design for the end solution was created and resource consent has been granted from the Regional Council. Unfortunately, the project has not been able to keep within existing budgets due to additional work required to create a compliant cell cap and this means a paper will be presented to the Finance and Planning Committee to consider approval of extra funding.

This project, when complete, will be a long term sustainable solution to the disposal of landfill leachate and will stop having negative impacts on the Waipawa and Waipukurau Waste Water Ponds.

Financial and Resourcing Implications

There are considered to be only minor financial and resourcing implications from the information contained within this report.

Implications ASSESSMENT

This report confirms that the matter concerned has no particular implications and has been dealt with in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.  Specifically:

·          Council staff have delegated authority for any decisions made;

·          Any decisions made will help meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses;

·          Unless stated above, any decisions made can be addressed through current funding under the Long-Term Plan and Annual Plan;

·          Any decisions made are consistent with the Council's plans and policies; and

·          No decisions have been made that would alter significantly the intended level of service provision for any significant activity undertaken by or on behalf of the Council, or would transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset to or from the Council.




That, having considered all matters raised in the report, the report be noted


6            Date of Next Meeting


This is the final meeting of the Environment and Regulatory Committee for the Council term.

7            Time of Closure